
The Young UN Geneva hub numbers around 300 members across the UN system.

Current projects underway include a collaboration with Greycells on intergenerational dialogue for the SDGs, speed mentoring event and collaboration to live the SDGs in Geneva.

Upcoming events:

31 January 2019, 12-14h – Knowledge and Learning Commons Housewarming, with pitch by Young UN and the Geneva Environment Lab on SDG Anonymous

thumbnail of Housewarming Invitation final EN

25 February 2019, 12-14h  – SDG Anonymous event – click here to find out more about the event, to share your ‘SDG confessions’ and RSVP. 

Past events:

10 October 2018, 15h – Inter-generational dialogue on the SDGs, brochure en français:

thumbnail of Greycells FR

and in English here.

4 October 2018, 13h – Leaders across generations event, with Young UN discussant

thumbnail of Leadership_Invitation

15 March 2018 – A conversation with Munira Khalif, moderated by two Young UN members

thumbnail of UN Youth Observer